Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Taking a Look at Intrinsic Motivation - 662 Words

Need: Although there has been countless research done about intrinsic motivation, a lot of it is conflicting when looking at comparisons. Previous studies have looked at the two mechanisms of attribution and perceived competence, as well as the influence of extrinsic rewards on levels of intrinsic motivation. However, they have not directly measured the two variables or focused on reward contingency in multiple aspects in one study. Purpose: The researchers of this experiment sought to clear up certain points, such as the need for direct measures of perceived competence and causal attributions. They also focused on examining the effects of extrinsic rewards that were dependent on ability versus effort, and the effect of extrinsic rewards on increasing or decreasing intrinsic motivation. This is because extrinsic rewards can influence feelings of self-efficacy or how an individual attributes their performance. In addition, since expectancies on internal or external locus of control can affect attribution theory, a measure for locus of control was included in the experiment. Sample: During the spring semester at the University of Toronto, 42 undergraduate students chose to participate in this experiment after seeing advertisements around campus. After contacting the researchers, blind participants were randomly assigned to one of three conditions for three upcoming sessions. Due to failure of participants not attending all 3 required sessions or computerShow MoreRelatedThe Self-Determination Theory by Edward Deci and Richard Ryan1720 Words   |  7 PagesThe motivation of different individuals can vary for many reasons, two of those reasons can be internal and external factors. The internal factors are referred to as intrinsic motivators and the external factors are signified as extrinsic motivators. 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